Lutheran Church of Prayer? It's not the most common name for a Christian church, we know. But the Lord tells us, "My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples" (Isaiah 56:7). And prayer is one way we respond to God's clear Word of love to us and to all people, and we've been praying as a congregation since 1957.
God has commanded prayer and has promised to hear and to answer. So we invite you to join us as we hear and study God's Word, and as we respond in prayer, in song, and in celebration. (Scroll down if you'd like to request prayer right now.) During this pandemic time we may or may not be gathering in person for worship, but we do live-stream our worship services via Facebook Live (@LCOPBakersfield) and post those recordings here on this website.
Our goal: to know and follow Jesus, and to make Jesus known.
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Lutheran Church of Prayer is a member of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.